Contact US
Peace Lutheran Church
1900 E. Lincoln Highway
New Lenox, IL 60451
(815) 485-5327
(815) 485-2688 Fax
Peace Lutheran Church
1900 E. Lincoln Highway
New Lenox, IL 60451
(815) 485-5327
(815) 485-2688 Fax
"You are the light of the world...Let your light
shine before others, that they may see your
good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5: 14-16
“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was good.” We are God’s light. Each of you shine God’s light in many ways. And our church is a beacon of light for this congregation and for those searching for the love and goodness that comes from God. Your faithful support and commitment make all of this happen.
As we do each year, we ask you to consider your blessings as you decide how to respond to our annual request to support the mission of Peace Lutheran Church. Please reflect on all the ways that God’s light shines in your own life and the hope and peace it brings to you. We ask you to contemplate also the ways that Peace Lutheran Church has played a role in stirring you to bring God’s light to others - hearing the Gospel weekly, feeling the encouragement of others here at church and seeing the light that they shine.
You are truly God’s light in the world. Please know that we at Peace Lutheran see you shine, and we are so proud and so grateful for the many ways God’s love glows in you. We come to you with gratitude for your past support and ask for your continued financial commitment to Peace Lutheran Church so that we, as a church community, can continue bringing God’s light to one another and to our community.
There are many ways to proceed with your giving intentions, here at Peace, in person and electronically. If you wish to give electronically through a credit card, this link will honor that request. If you wish to contribute through your banking account please print this sheet out and hand it in to the office. Thank you so much!
Jesus taught us that we are the light of the world and must let our light shine. Individually, we all have an impact on others with all that we do. Collectively, that impact is magnified. Collectively, we shine brightly, and WE can bring the wonder of God's light to the world.
You are invited to be a part of the "WE" in "We are God's Light!" through your response to this Appeal. Your participation is crucial to Peace Lutheran's mission to shine God's light.
Whether you have made a financial commitment in past years or not, this is a new year and a new opportunity to respond generously and in gratitude for God’s shining light in your life. Each June, we start a new financial year, and we always hope to begin that fiscal year with knowledge that we will have sufficient funds to continue God’s work throughout the year. Your response to the Stewardship Appeal is a critical part of our planning for the new fiscal year. Please let your love and your faith guide you when you respond. And please know that any commitment you make will be a beacon of God's light to others and will shine through all we do at Peace Church throughout the year.
Your financial commitment to Peace Lutheran Church is an expression of God's shining light. Your contribution allows us to continue our mission to shine God's light throughout the world. It is an expression of faith that the people of this Church community will use those funds wisely. We are so grateful for that faith. We welcome any commitment you make of any size. Your commitment allows us to budget for the many ministries of the Church. We pray to be able to shine God's light to our congregation and inspire one another to be a beacon of light to the world!
God's shining light gives us hope. Hope sustains us in difficult times. Hope is a foundation in uncertain times. Whether it is in a baptism, a marriage ceremony, a funeral service, or a grief or addiction support group meeting, we endeavor to ensure that all who enter our Church are given hope for a beautiful future filled with God’s shining light. It is our hope that you will recognize the importance of your role in our church community and the value of your commitment in bringing hope to all God’s children.
"You are the light of the world...Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5: 14-16
It is part of the mission of Peace Church to shine God’s light in all ways that we can. As we recognize God's light shining in our lives, we are inspired to reflect God's light out into the world through every one of the ministries at Peace Church. Please support our ministries with your efforts and with your regular contributions.
Peace Lutheran will find a way to shine God's light no matter what our resources are, but having an idea of what those resources will be during the coming fiscal year facilitates budgeting and planning. We pray that experiencing how Peace Lutheran shines God's light will inspire you to return your giving intention card as a participant int his mission. Please fill out a giving intention card available in the pews or that you received in the Stewardship Appeal packet available at the church and drop it into the offering plate or mail it back to the church on or before Commitment Weekend, April 5-6, 2025. Or fill out our online form below. We are so very grateful for all the responses that we receive. THANK YOU!!!
Please fill out your giving intention card and drop in the offering plate or mail it to the church (P.O. Box 205 New Lenox, IL 60451) or fill out the form below and hit the “Submit” button. By filling out the form below, the office will receive your giving intentions card electronically. If you haven't yet, you can fill out and return a giving intention card at anytime throughout the year.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 815-485-5327 or at .